Date: November 6th-9th, 2022
Location: Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (415 Summer St. Boston, MA 02210)
Registration Price: $300 (before 9/19); $350 (9/20-11/9)
Hotel: TBD
WSPS Financial Support available:
Who: DPH-3 to DPH-4 (anyone is welcome though)
General Overview: APhA annual is a great opportunity for all students especially ones considering to get more involved with WSPS. Every chapter will be in attendance, which means you get a chance to connect with pharmacy leaders from all over the country. The main event includes the meeting attendees and their chosen delegates helping to modify bills that we, as future pharmacists, would like to see get accepted. The numerous sessions that are available span many topics that fulfil many aspects of pharmacy so there is something for everyone. Lastly, the VMAs of pharmacy happen here: the APhA-ASP awards show. This is a great place to meet students from all across the country, find out how their APhA chapter is doing things, and perhaps find ways to improve our chapter.
Online link:
Students to contact for more information: Amanda Egbert, APhA liaison (