- Students are expected to follow mandatory University laboratory safety policies and practices at all times (for general safety information, see Environment Health & Safety’s webpage).
- Everyone working in SoP labs (including PSD students) must, at the minimum, receive formal training in chemical safety techniques and practices before card access to research spaces is granted. For PSD students, training should be documented by uploading screen shots of completion quizzes for each training to the google form that the graduate program manager shares with you. These trainings are:
- Additional training specific to a given laboratory’s research focus is likely required and may include topics including (but not limited to) biological safety, animal safety, and radiation safety. Please discuss with your Principal Investigator (PI) which trainings you must receive.
- Safety glasses MUST be worn at all times in University laboratories.
- Know the locations and proper use of fire extinguishers, fire alarms, emergency exits and emergency showers within your workplace.
- If you have questions or concerns about safety, you may contact your PI, the building manager Josh Cutler, chemical safety officer Aaron McCoy, or the SoP’s Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education Arash Bashirullah.
- Phone the University Police (911-emergency) and inform them of the problem
- Render first aid, assistance in clean-up, or any assistance as directed.
- Know the route to the closest emergency room to Rennebohm Hall – UW Hospital and Clinics, 600 Highland Ave. (608) 262-2398
- Phone Mr. Josh Cutler at (608) 262-2943 (W) or (608) 215-9372 (C) and inform him of the problem. If Mr. Cutler is not available, contact Ms. Liz Funk Smith at (608) 890-2434 (W) or (608) 712-0267 (C) — all laboratory accidents must be reported to the Mr. Cutler or Ms. Funk Smith.
- Phone the laboratory P.I. and the designated laboratory safety officer (see the BLUE form posted on the outside door of each laboratory)
- Pull the closest fire alarm and phone the University Police (911-emergency)
- If manageable, use an appropriate fire extinguisher to control the fire
- If unmanageable, close fire doors, exit immediately from the vicinity