If a problem between a student and a Thesis Advisor develops the following steps should be taken:
- The student and Thesis Advisor should attempt to resolve any differences through one-on-one discussions.
- If the student is not satisfied with the result, the student should present the problem to another member of their Thesis Committee.
- At the same time, the student must notify the DGS of this action
- In the event that the student does not yet have a Thesis Committee and/or Thesis Advisor, the student should contact their assigned orientation advisor and/or DGS.
- If the student is not satisfied with the result, the student should present the problem to the PSD Chair Office and the SOP Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, who will work toward mediating a solution.
- If a solution requires a laboratory change within PSD, the PSD Program may be able to provide financial support for a short rotation period.
- Following the change, the new PSD Thesis Advisor will provide the student’s source of funding.
- Students may also follow the steps outlined in the Grievance Policy in Appendix 3.
Note: To remain a Pharmaceutical Sciences graduate student in good standing, a student must have a Thesis Advisor who has a regular or affiliate faculty appointment in the PSD.