Brandon Munoz
Credentials: DPH-3
“Brandon has been an incredible leader throughout pharmacy school, especially as of late. As a co-founder of Pharmacy PHIT, he decided that springtime would be a great opportunity to promote the club by orchestrating a 5K walk/run! With help, Brandon organized the run down Lakeshore Path and back to the Pharmacy school, and made sure that each future participant felt welcomed and encouraged by creating fun and descriptive informational videos every few weeks. In addition to hosting this behemoth of an event, Brandon was also a pivotal member of the team when the Wellness Room was being designed and created. If there is ever a time for Brandon to be the Leader of the Month for the 3rd year class, it is most definitely April!”
“Brandon has done so much work this semester preparing for the Pharmacy PHIT Phun Run coming up at the beginning of May. His work ethic and passion is really inspiring, and he is a great leader to have on your team because of the dedication he puts into everything he does.”