The HSRP DGS, along with faculty, will review the progress of each graduate student at the end of each semester and through the IDP process in the Spring. Faculty advisors will informally report progress for each of their students at the end of the Fall semester. Students will self-report progress during their annual review at the end of the Spring semester. A student’s failure to meet the program’s progress expectations (academic or conduct) can result in various actions from the MS or PhD program. These actions are designed to help a student make progress and get needed resources and referrals to address problems they may be having.
One or more of the following conditions will automatically prompt a detailed review of a student in the semester:
- GPA for the semester was below 3.0
- an Incomplete was earned in a formal course
- the advisor gave either an Incomplete or an Unsatisfactory grade on research credits
- regular or unexplained absence at HSRP Colloquiums
- student does not have an Advisor
- failure to submit annual review documents
- academic misconduct incident
- non-academic misconduct incident
- research misconduct incident
- negative TA evaluations at least one semester
- the DGS and Chair receive documentation from the Advisor that a student is not making satisfactory progress on their research
Along with recommendations for resources and referrals to help a student, an outcome from the faculty review will include a recommendation to the Division Chair and will consist of one of the following:
- Student is in Good Standing
The student is considered to be making satisfactory progress toward their degree. No further action will be taken and no additional notification will be provided. Students will be notified of this. - Student Planning and Probation Period
If the faculty find that a student is not making satisfactory progress, they can recommend that the student be placed on temporary departmental probation. The student is permitted to enroll in the subsequent semester, but the student and their advisor must put forward a specific plan with dates and deadlines in place regarding removal of the probationary status by the end of the following semester. Students will be given the chance to formally explain their situation either orally or in writing before being placed on probation. Students will have opportunities to work and communicate with faculty about this designation and the appropriate plans to succeed. Faculty will assess progress in the next review cycle. If the student has followed recommendations given by the review, and resolves the triggers, they will not be put on academic probation. Once a student is again making satisfactory academic progress they will be considered in Good Standing and removed from probation. - Student will not proceed beyond Masters
If the faculty finds that a student is not making satisfactory progress, they can recommend the student not continue beyond the Master’s degree. - Student is dismissed from the HSRP Program
If a student has demonstrated a sustained lack of progress toward degree completion or has been found guilty of significant academic, non-academic, or research misconduct, they may be dismissed from the HSRP Program. If a student is on departmental probation for a semester or multiple semesters (sequential or dispersed) the faculty may recommend that the student be dismissed from the HSRP program. The student will not be allowed to enroll in the subsequent semester. Students who have been dismissed from the HSRP program will need to reapply to the department if they want to pursue a degree in HSRP. Applications will not be considered within one calendar year of dismissal. If the result of the review is a recommendation of dismissal, the recommendation will be transmitted to the student by letter from the DGS.All disciplinary actions and dismissal situations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and consideration is given for people with unusual circumstances.