If you wish to schedule any school event, please follow the procedure listed below:
- In selecting a time and date, check the SOP events calendar and the SOP exam calendar. In this way you can avoid, when possible, conflicts with other school events and you can select a time that is most advantageous from the point of view of student academic work (that is, avoiding as much as possible exam times).
- When a time and date have been selected, choose a room for your event that (a) will accommodate the appropriate number of attendees, and (b) has the necessary AV equipment. SOP room information is available at https://kb.wisc.edu/pharmacy/page.php?id=63632. Reserve the room using the EMS web portal (step-by-step instructions at https://kb.wisc.edu/pharmacy/113170).
- When the time and date have been selected and a room has been reserved, have your event added to the School Events Calendar on the SOP website using the Calendar Event Submission page or by contacting Lindsey Weigel: lindsey.weigel@wisc.edu.
- For events that involve details such as catering, print materials, promotional materials, and/or photography, please contact Anna Reinhart: anna.reinhart@wisc.edu.