A student may audit a course not required for graduation with the approval of the instructor and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or an academic advisor. Auditors are expected to attend class with regularity and complete assigned course work. Auditors may participate in the class and take examinations only as permitted by the instructor.
Audited courses carry no degree credit and are not graded (the only valid grades for audited courses are S [satisfactory] and NR [no report]). Audited courses do not count toward the minimum number of credits needed for full-time standing for the term, but do count toward the term’s credit load for fee purposes. Audited courses may affect eligibility for financial aid. Any student receiving financial aid who wishes to audit a course should consult an advisor in the Office of Student Financial Services.
The deadline to change a course from a credit basis to an audit basis, or from an audit basis to a credit basis, is specified in Deadlines at a Glance. A Course Change Request must be completed by the student in their MyUW Student Center. Select Course Enrollment from the drop down menu, select a term, and then on the Term Information tab, select Course Change Request. Completed Course Change Requests must be printed and signed by the student and instructor prior to being given to the academic advisor for final approval.