Deadlines for adding or dropping courses can be found in the Deadlines at a Glance document on the Office of the Registrar’s website.
Procedure to Drop a Required Course
A School of Pharmacy student may not drop any required courses unless permission has been granted by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Student Promotion & Academic Review Committee (SPARC). For a request to drop a required course to be considered, students must submit a School of Pharmacy Request for Permission to Drop a Required Course Form to their advisor. The completed form will be forwarded by the advisor to the Associate Dean for discussion and review. Permission to drop a required course may be granted in some cases due to illness, family emergencies, or other extenuating circumstances.
Late Add and Late Drop Procedures
A student may not add or drop any course beyond the indicated deadlines unless permission has been received from their advisor.
PharmD Credit Overrides
In order to enroll in additional credits above the maximum enrollment (18 credits) in the fall or spring semester, PharmD students must be in good academic and professional standing according to the Student Promotion and Academic Review Policies and Procedures, have a strong record of success in previous coursework, and receive approval from their academic advisor. The enrollment system counts all credits when determining credit load, including required courses, courses taken pass/fail or for audit, and non-School of Pharmacy courses. Students should request a credit override in writing or via email. Students should indicate the total number of credits requested, including a list of the specific courses, corresponding credits, and reason for requesting the credit override. If approved, the student will receive a term credit override to allow the student to enroll through MyUW.