PharmD Employer Resources

SoP alumna Sarah Pupkes answers questions about Monroe Clinic for a current PharmD student

Career Fair

The School of Pharmacy hosts a two-day Career Days event annually for students. The Career Development Day provides programming tailored to each cohort to promote career development. The Career Fair offers students an opportunity to connect with potential IPPE and APPE sites, residencies, fellowships, and employers.

Fall/Spring Interview Days

The School of Pharmacy offers employers the opportunity to interview PharmD students, either in-person at Rennebohm Hall or virtually, for pharmacist, internship, and/or technician positions in both the fall and spring semesters.

  • 2024 Fall Interview Day: Friday, November 1, 2024
  • 2025 Spring Interview Day: Monday, April 7, 2025

If you are interested in learning more about or participating in the Fall Interview Day or Spring Interview Day, contact Lindsey Weigel.

In addition to the Fall Interview Day and Spring Interview Day, employers can request an interview schedule at any time throughout the academic year. Contact Lindsey Weigel to learn more.

Job Opportunities

At any time, employers can use Handshake, UW—Madison’s online career management system, to post job opportunities. Visit the Getting Started page to learn how to create a user account, join your organization’s profile, and post a job. Once a job is posted, email the job title or job ID number to, and we will promote your posting to students in our weekly announcements email newsletter.

Handshake logo


The UW–Madison School of Pharmacy is dedicated to providing a neutral environment and avoiding conflicts of interest at career-related events.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Looking for additional ways to get involved? Consider sharing your time and talent with the next generation of PharmD students!