University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy
Health Policy
Approved 2020.10.21
Effective 2023.5.10
Revised 2023.8.11
PharmD students are at higher risk than the general population for acquiring communicable diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, hepatitis B, and tuberculosis. A pharmacist or pharmacy student who has one of these diseases may, in turn, infect other personnel and patients. Such infections established in any health care facility are serious in their potential for medical and possible legal complications. Any School of Pharmacy student who is exposed to a communicable disease is required to report the exposure to the Experiential Education Office at 608-265-0591.
This policy will cover the following requirements:
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
- Varicella (chickenpox)
- Hepatitis B
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis (Tdap)
- Influenza
- Basic life support (BLS)
- HIPAA training
- Safety and Infection Control training
- Health care recommendations (non-required)
Consequences for non-compliance with the health policies are listed at the end of the health policy document.
Conditions Precluding Compliance with Health Policy Requirements
Students with health or other conditions that would preclude them from fulfilling the health policy requirements should contact the Experiential Education Office at 608-265-0591 to review their options. These will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Acceptable Documentation
- Documentation for all requirements listed in this policy must be provided by one of the following:
- Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) or other state immunization registry
- Signed documentation on letterhead from a healthcare provider such as: registered nurse, physician, or
physician’s assistant - MyChart immunization history
- All documentation must include student name and date of administration. Titer documentation must include student name, date of administration, value, and result (lab report).
Please note: Documentation must be provided to the School of Pharmacy by August 1 of the year students begin PharmD classes. Documentation must be submitted online to the electronic health portal. Students are responsible for checking that submitted documents are approved and not pending or rejected in the electronic health portal. Costs incurred to meet these requirements are the responsibility of the students.
Health Requirements
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR):
- Two doses of MMR vaccine (given one month apart and after the first birthday).
OR - Positive MMR titer. If MMR titer is negative, the student must receive the appropriate immunization(s).
Varicella (Chickenpox):
- Two doses of varicella vaccine given after the first birthday.
OR - Positive varicella titer. If varicella titer is negative, the student must receive the appropriate immunization(s).
Hepatitis B:
- Three total doses of hepatitis B vaccine administered at 0, 1, and 6 months.
OR - Two doses of hepatitis B vaccine depending on the manufacturer.
AND IN ADDITION TO 1 OR 2, STUDENTS NEED: - A hepatitis B antibody titer is required one to two months after the final dose of the hepatitis B vaccine series.
- Non-responders who have a negative or non-reactive antibody test must submit a signed hepatitis B liability waiver form, which is provided on the electronic health portal, before participating in pharmacy practice experiences.
- It is recommended that students continue with hepatitis B vaccination as recommended by their provider.
Please note: Students entering the PharmD program are required to provide evidence of at least two doses of the hepatitis B vaccine prior to the start of the PharmD program. A hepatitis b waiver is required only if two of the three doses have been received prior to the start of the program. Documentation of the final immunization in the series must be provided before January (first day of second semester).
Tuberculosis (TB):
- Incoming Students
Two-Step TB skin test (two different TB skin tests given 1-3 weeks apart and between May 5-September 15 of the year starting PharmD classes). Documentation from both TB skin tests must be uploaded together in the electronic health portal.- Positive TB skin test
Students who test positive for TB, must have a one-time chest x-ray and an annual TB Status Review Form completed by a health care provider and submitted to the electronic health portal by September 15 of the year starting PharmD classes.
- Positive TB skin test
- Continuing Students
TB skin test is required annually by May 5 of each year while enrolled in the program.- Students who allow their TB test to expire beyond their renewal date will be required to complete either a TB blood test or a Two-Step TB skin test
- Positive TB skin test
Students who test positive for TB, must have a one-time chest X-ray and an annual TB Status Review Form completed by a health care provider and submitted to the electronic health portal by May 5 of each year while enrolled in the program.
Tetanus Diptheria Acellular Pertussis (TDAP):
One adult dose of tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine given within the past 10 years. Thereafter, a student may receive a Td as a booster.
One dose of current seasonal influenza vaccine administered by October 20 of each year while enrolled in the program.
Basic Life Support (BLS):
All enrolled PharmD students must become American Heart Association (AHA) BLS certified by September 30 of their first and third years in the program. Students will be notified via email when BLS courses will be offered at the School of Pharmacy. Upon completion of the approved BLS course, students are required to upload their BLS eCard to the electronic health portal. Certification expires two years after the date the course is taken. The completion date or issue/renewal date is noted on the eCard. BLS certification must be renewed before your eCard expires.
- Students who have not taken BLS courses in the past:
Students must enroll in a BLS certification course, either at the School of Pharmacy or at an outside AHA program provider. - Students renewing BLS certification:
The AHA BLS Provider Online (Blended Learning) course consists of an online portion that is called HeartCode® BLS, followed by a hands-on skills session. The online BLS Course provides a review for health care professionals who have prior BLS training. Once you have completed the online portion of the course, you must complete the skills validation portion at the School of Pharmacy or an authorized AHA Training Center. After you have completed both sections of the course, you will be issued an AHA BLS Provider eCard.
BLS course recommendations
HIPAA Training:
Students must complete HIPAA training by the deadlines set by the University of Wisconsin. HIPAA training links may be found on the clerkship webpage.
Safety and Infection Control Training:
Students must complete Safety and Infection Control Training upon admission to the school and annually by May 5. Safety and Infection Control training links may be found on the clerkship webpage.
Health Care Recommendations (Non-Required):
- Polio: Routine immunization against polio is recommended.
- Meningococcal disease: Meningococcal vaccine is recommended.
- Health Care Insurance: Students are strongly urged to have health care insurance while enrolled at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, either through a private insurance company or through the University-sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Coverage under SHIP is mandatory for all international students and their dependents living in this country and is available on a voluntary basis for other students. For information on premiums, coverage, and enrollment, contact the University Health Services at 608-265-5232.
Consequences for Non-Compliance with Health Policies
Incoming Students:
Incoming students must be fully compliant with the health requirements by August 1 (unless otherwise specified below) of the year students start PharmD classes until May 5 of the following year. Students not in compliance will have a half letter grade deduction in their fall or spring course, as applicable. Students may not complete any experiential activities until fully compliant with the health policies.
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
- Varicella (chickenpox)
- Hepatitis B *see requirement
- Tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis (Tdap)
- Safety and Infection Control training
- Tuberculosis (TB)- September 15
- Basic life support (BLS) – September 30
- HIPAA training- October 20
- Influenza – October 20
- Hepatitis B – if third dose is needed and titer – January of spring semester
Continuing Students:
Continuing students must be fully compliant with the health policies listed below annually by May 5 (unless otherwise specified below) for one year. Students not in compliance will have a half letter grade deduction in their experiential course. Students may not complete any experiential activities until fully compliant with the health policies.
- Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR)
- Varicella (chickenpox)
- Hepatitis B
- Tuberculosis (TB)
- Tetanus diphtheria acellular pertussis (Tdap)
- Safety and Infection Control training
- Basic life support (BLS) – September 30
- HIPAA training-October 20
- Influenza – October 20