

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) seek to change the world. The United Nation’s (UN) goal is to abolish poverty and injustice, protect the earth, and ensure that all people have access to basic human needs including health, justice, and prosperity. As a global health interest group our goal is to incorporate SDGs into our monthly events and activities and play our part in altering the course of history. 


September (SDG 6)

  • Healthy Snack Drive, Sep 18th-22nd @ SoP Atrium
  • Lincoln Health Fair, Sep 26th at Lincoln Elementary (5:30-7:00 pm)

October (SDG 2)

  • Second Harvest Food Bank, Oct 21st (8:30-11:00 am & 12:30- 3:30 pm), Oct 26th (8:30-11:30 am) @ 2802 Dairy Dr
  • CCA approved, Outreach and Diversity category



November (SDG 4)

  • Disaster Medicine Speaker, CCA approved, Exploring the Profession category,  Thursday, Nov 16th ( 7-8pm) on Zoom.
  • Global Health Community Hour, Nov 21st, SoP 2002 (12:00-1:00 pm)

December (SDG 1)

  • Gift packing for kids
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Speaker


February (SDG 2)

  •  Belize Preceptor Guest Speaker, CCA approved: Exploring the Profession, Feb 20th ( 12-1 pm)
  • Madison Hockey event, Feb 16th
  • Election positions opening

March (SDG 2)

  • Freeze for Food 5k
  • MPH talk, CCA approved
  • Sticker fundraiser event


April (SDG 13)

  • Earth Day clean-up
  • International APPE Symposium

May (SDG 3)

  • TBA