Welcome to Kappa Psi, the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world and the second largest pharmacy organization after APHA. We were founded on May 30th, 1879 and there are currently 110 collegiate chapters and 81 graduate chapters with brothers across the globe. The University of Wisconsin-Madison Beta Psi Chapter consists of pharmacy students who are leaders on campus and in the Madison community. Brothers have given back to the community by taking part in various activities. We provide ample opportunities for philanthropy and scholarship while promoting networking through social events.
Today, the chapter continues to grow welcoming new members each fall semester. The main objectives of Kappa Psi are to develop industry, sobriety, fellowship, and to foster high ideals, scholarship, and pharmaceutical research.
As you pursue a career in pharmacy, developing yourself professionally and adding leadership skills ranks as important as developing your personal clinical knowledge. Becoming a fraternity member of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is the best way to accomplish all of these goals and more!
Our objectives are:
- To conduct a professional fraternal organization for the mutual benefit of its members
- To develop industry, sobriety, and fellowship
- To foster high ideals, scholarship, and pharmaceutical research
- To support all projects which will advance the profession of pharmacy and to actively participate in them
- To inspire in its members a deep and lasting pride in their Fraternity and in the profession of pharmacy
- To render such other services to its members and its profession feasible and in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the fraternity
The Beta Psi chapter organizes fundraisers throughout the year for organizations such as Ronald McDonald House and Habitat for Humanity. We fundraise through bagel, academic planner, apparel, and white coat sales.
Beta Psi hosts many social events such as a homecoming tailgate, pumpkin carving, Brosgiving, and an end of the year bash. We also have a house available to all brothers near the pharmacy school that is a great place to get to know each other and host events. Kappa Psi offers a lifelong bond, friendship, and brotherhood.
Beta Psi chapter provides numerous opportunities for its members to gain leadership experience, whether it is in the community, the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy, or in the chapter itself. Please visit our chapter’s facebook page and website at:
- https://www.facebook.com/KappaPsiBetaPsi/
- https://sites.google.com/site/kappapsibetapsi/home
- National website: https://www.kappapsi.org/
- Graduate Chapter website: http://www.wikappapsi.org/
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Regent, Adrian Bak (abak@wisc.edu)