Wellness @SOP

Wellness is the active process of becoming aware and making active choices toward a successful way of being. Circle of wellness imageThere are eight areas that contribute to overall wellness: physical, emotional, spiritual, social, career, financial, creative, and environmental.

We invite you to explore the resources provided here and share ideas of wellness activities that may inspire others in the School of Pharmacy to do the same!


Need Emergency Financial Assistance?

image for Emergency Financial AidEmergency grants and loans are available to students enrolled in any School of Pharmacy BS, MS*, PhD or PharmD programs who are experiencing financial hardship.

  • Emergency grants are provided through generous donations from alumni and friends to the School of Pharmacy Emergency Fund. Grants do not have to be repaid.
  • Short-term loans are available to assist students enrolled at the School of Pharmacy until funds from major sources arrive. A student may have a maximum of $2,000 outstanding in short-term loans, and they typically must be repaid within a year.

To be considered for support, please complete an Emergency Support Request and a representative from the Office of Student Financial Aid will follow-up with potential next steps.

* Emergency support is not available for students in the Applied Drug Development and Psychoactive Pharmaceutical Investigation MS programs.

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